I have decided that along with exercise (Yes, I'm really going to go to the gym --- NO FAT TAX!) that I'm going to do the no carb diet. I know its going to be really hard, but Jimmy is going to do it with me! We are going grocery shopping on Friday and not have anything carb related in our cart. We have decided that once a week we will have rice. Maybe wheat pasta. We are also going to buy small bowls to put the food in so we can watch our portion control. Jimmy is also going to make enough so I can take leftovers for my lunch. Save some money, since I used to do lean cuisines. Soooo expensive!!! We have wedding to be in this year and we have some motivation. I want to look like Jessica Beil. I know I'm never going to be a super skinny stick girl, She's so in shape and has curves and muscle and looks sooo great. Jimmy just wants to tone up and feel good and in shape.
Here is what I aspire to look like (I know not over night!)